Wednesday, April 16, 2008

More Forex And Forex Trading News

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News or data are always read by the market along the prevailing market bias. Data can provide a good reading for the state of the market. If the data is bad but the price is still rising or not affected, it must be a bull market which means buy on dip strategy is a better one. Conversely, if the data is good but the price is not rising or even falling, it must be a bear market which means sell on bounce strategy is a better one. The inflexion point must be when bad news or good news. no longer affect the prices as they have done before. Medium/long-term bias changes are usually accompanied by such reactions to the news. It is not the numbers that counts but how the market reacts to the numbers that counts. That gives some comfort to those who are not privy to the numbers already

currency exchange rates

If economy and history are to be heeded, the oil prices can't continue to rise indefinitely. Eventually, consumers will bite the bullet and start cutting their demand for oil and gas. When that happens, the price of oil will either stabilize, or start heading back down toward the $40 a gallon that experts predicted it would never hit.

foreign exchange rates

Forex currency trading is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another.

Your Latest Understanding Forex News

Euro marts rise on oil's fall

Fri, 13 Oct 2006 15:53:00 GMT
LONDON: European stock markets advanced yesterday, with falling oil prices helping lift the London and Paris exchanges towards five-year highs, dealers said.

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